Monday, March 22, 2010

City of Ember: Chapter 10

In chapter 10, Blue Sky and Goodbye, Granny gets sick, and Lina must stay home from work to take care of her and watch Poppy. Lina and Poppy break out the colored pencils she bought and begin to draw. Poppy (being the baby she is) just scribbled; but Lina draws a city with blue skies. That night, Granny asks Lina to sleep with her, and Lina wakes up to find her grandmother's corpse.

QUESTIONS: How would you feel if you were Lina and YOUR granny died? Have you ever been in a situation before where a close family member has died? Who do you think Poppy and Lina will have to take care of them?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. in my school we read the city of ember is a beutiful book

  3. I would feel shock and scared. Also hopeless. I think "City of Ember" is a great book for children.

  4. I love thanks a lot this is so good I only need this for my school and Ideas is the best
